The Mechanical DustControl + a low energy-consuming filter

• All the benefits of the Mechanical DustControl - completely automatic, no electricity required, no maintenance needed, indefinite lifetime, passed 100% inspections, totally below grate, optional pneumatic clean-out when products shouldn’t be mixed, reduces shrink.

• Added filter removes dust separating from the product above the pit by creating a negative pressure below the pit
• Added filter is a safety feature - it removes dust from the rest of your storage facilities
• Reduces risks of explosion
• Substitute large inefficiente baghouse filters with smaller filters (can be preexisting filter)


Because of structural differences in pits or because of the type of product itself, sometimes there is an excessive amounts of dust separating from the product above the pit grate as it is being unloaded. The DustControl baffles prevent dust from leaving the pit by reducing the velocity of the air being displaced as it is forced through the product. To capture excessive dust separating from the product above the grate during its fall from the vehicle, Wings offers an option of installing a low energy consumption filter to complement the operation of the DustControl by drawing the dust generated above the grate into the receiving pit.
In a receiving pit without the DustControl, as the product is being unloaded, an equal quantity of air is expelled from the hopper or receiving pit at a high velocity, capturing the dust falling from the vehicle and spreading it thought the building and exterior. The Mechanical DustControl baffles control this dust emission by reducing the velocity of the air escaping from the receiving pit. Therefore, the clean air is leaving the pit at a reduced velocity and does not capture the dust that is separating from the product above the grate.
Where there is excessive dust generated above the pit grate or when a company has very rigorous clean air standards, Wings offers the Mechanical DustControl PLUS, which couples a low-energy-consuming filter, directing its collection ducts into the receiving pit below the DustControl system modules to create a negative pressure in the receiving pit that will draw dust generated above the pit grate into the receiving pit.
The DustControl PLUS system controls the dust generated during the unloading process, above and below the pit grate, with the dust being deposited with the product or eliminated. It prevents dust from escaping into the atmosphere and contributes to a healthy environment.

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Mechanical DustControl

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