For more than 40 years, Adram has been producing corn-based products, an important part of the Brazilian diet. The industry is located in a city and the pollution authorities were threatening to close the storage facility until it installed the DustControl.

Adram is a traditional Brazilian company, always respectful of its consumers and its employees. For this reason, installing a DustControl system in its receiving pit was a pro-community action. Everyone working or living around and near its main factory has benefited.

Reducing dust around your receiving hopper is vital to helping reduce employee exposure to potentially dangerous levels of contaminants. Proper dust collection can mean increased visibility and reduced costs for the cleanup and maintenance of your facility. It also helps you comply with health and air emission standards, reduces the possibility of causing a nuisance for your neighbors and can even help you recover valuable by-products from the air.

The DustControl is superior to a baffle system for suppressing dust in bulk-product receiving pits. It has been on the market for over 20 years, with more than 250 units installed in Brazil and abroad, and tops the list of equipment in terms of the cost-benefit ratio. The DustControl system is installed under the pit grate and does not take up space on the pit’s surface. It is completely automatic and does not use electrical energy, and, it is maintenance-free. The DustControl system is composed of modules that cover the entire surface area below the pit grate. The modules have small chutes that regulate the flow of the product into the pit to maintain the modules with enough product to filter the exiting dust-laden air. The DustControl controls the dust emission without slowing the unloading process. That is why Adram located in Faxinal, Brazil installed the Wings DustControl!

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