Caramuru Alimentos - Itumbiara (GO) | DUSTCONTROL MECÂNICO INSTALAÇÃO 2002

A Wings client since 2002, Caramuru has installed DustControl systems in three states, Goiás, Paraná and Amapá, with the latest four installations in São Simão, Goiás in 2021 in conjunction with the Rumo Rail Company.

In the photos above, you can verify the amazing impact that the installation of the DustControl has had on the environment around this receiving pit.

Before the installation of the DustControl, visibility was practically zero and the health of workers was threatened.



Today, the unloading process can be observed close-up and the Brazilian EPA has no reason to file complaints.

Sem DustControl: Impossible to circulate, causing problems for the workers and the neighborhood.

Com DustControl: Problems with dust resolved.

Dust emission from receiving pits can be hazardous to the health of employees and neighbors. The Wings DustControl system controls the emission and protects those around the hoppers.

The DustControl is superior to a baffle system for suppressing dust in bulk-product receiving pits. It has been on the market for over 20 years, with more than 250 units installed in Brazil and abroad, and tops the list of equipment in terms of the cost-benefit ratio. The DustControl system is installed under the pit grate and does not take up space on the pit’s surface. It is completely automatic and does not use electrical energy, and, it is maintenance-free. The DustControl system is composed of modules that cover the entire surface area below the pit grate. The modules have small chutes that regulate the flow of the product into the pit to maintain the modules with enough product to filter the exiting dust-laden air. The DustControl controls the dust emission without slowing the unloading process. . That is why Caranuru Itumbiara, Brazil installed the Wings DustControl! DustControl controla a emissão e protege as que estão ao redor das moegas. O DustControl não é um sistema de flaps, ou outro sistema que necessite manutenção constante.

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